New Vistas started its journey in 2006 with an aim at promoting a greater understanding of the English Language and Literature.

Top-end B.A. English Honours Tutorial in Kolkata at New Vistas

Having started its journey with the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in 2006, New Vistas has now become the most trusted tutorials for the students of English literature and language studies in Kolkata. No matter whether you want to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in English Honours or grab a Master’s degree in the same field under any university following CBCS syllabus, New Vistas promises to provide you with an extensive matter of awareness of the ins and outs of the subject.

Why New Vistas

The progress of each student is closely judged and severely checked (i.e. subject wise, topic wise, question wise etc.) and additional educational


New Vistas provides tuitions for English MA and BA Honours courses of all the universities that follow the CBCS syllabus introduced by the UGC. CBCS syllabi was adopted earlier by some universities of repute, e.g. Delhi University. From now on (i.e. 2018 onwards), it is mandatory for the universities to follow the CBCS syllabi proposed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to get their degrees recognized in the pan-India higher education system. To follow CBCS curriculum, a university has to include at least 80% of the proposed syllabus, which means a university has the right to deviate 20% from the proposed syllabus. Some of the universities that have already accepted CBCS syllabi are the following:

Why English Honours

If you love the written and spoken word, this course is for you. With a comprehensive and stimulating introduction to the English language and literature, it investigates how the English language is used in a variety of global contexts, and explores literature from different historical periods and in diverse cultural settings.

University BA English Honours Syllabi English MA Syllabi
Calcutta University CU BA English Honours Syllabus under CBCS (2018-19) CU MA ENGLISH CBCS 2018-19
St Xavier's University

St Xavier’s University BA Eng Hons Syl under CBCS (2018)

Rabindra Bharati University RBU BA English Honours syllabus under CBCS RBU MA English syllabus under CBCS
West Bengal State University WBSU BA English Honours Syllabus under CBCS (2018) WBSU MA English Syllabus under CBCS
Kalyani University KU BA English Honours Syllabus under CBCS (2018-19) KU MA English Syllabus under CBCS
Burdwan University BU BA English Honours Syllabus under CBCS (2017-18 onwards) BU MA English Syllabus under CBCS
Vidyasagar University -- VU MA English Syllabus under CBCS
Sanskrit College and University Sanskrit University BA Eng Hons Syl under CBCS (2018 onwards) --
IGNOU IGNOU BA EH Syllabus IGNOU MA English Syllabus
Calcutta University (2017-20) CU BA English Honours Traditional Syllabus (2017-18) --
Entrance Test (MA English) JNU | DU | EFLU | BHU| AMU| PU | AUD | JU | CU | KU etc. Syllabi

Providing unparalleled tuition, New Vistas has gathered a glut of commendations from different corners of the city, especially from the eminent teachers and professors of English literature and language studies. So if you are looking for the best guidance or coaching centre for English M.A. or B.A. Honours, opting for New Vistas would be smartest decision of your part.

About P Das, our Faculty Member

P Das a.k.a. Pintu Das is best known for his deep knowledge in English Literature and there is possibly no area in this field that he has not explored. His matchless dedication, fervent commitment and first-rate expertise are what set him apart from the ordinary heads.

P Das is one of the best professors of a proto language. Other than his vast knowledge in English Literature, he is also efficient in linguistics, phonetics and several European languages including Ancient Greek, Latin, German, French etc. Expertise in linguistics, phonetics and knowledge in different European languages is crucial to teach English Philology. That is why, P Das is the most trusted faculty in this field in India. Besides, his profound expertise in decoding the symbolic ciphers associated with English Literature has placed him in a revered position.

About P Das, our Faculty Member

In CBCS system only the CC (Core Courses) are encompassed by the specialization in the fields related to the English literature. But, apart from CCs several other fields are introduced in the new syllabi which requires specializations in the fields not directly related to the English literature. The fields which require specializations other than that of English literature are the following: Philology, Prosody, Linguistics, Phonetics, Modern Grammar, ELT and Creative Writing. As for philology, the discipline requires the understanding of several Indo European languages like Ancient Greek, Latin, French, German and Sanskrit, and along with these, a greater understanding of Phonetics and Linguistics. These special fields, in under-graduate curriculum, are included in DCE (Discipline Centric Elective) or DSE (Discipline Specific Elective), AECC (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course) and SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) or AEEC (Ability Enhancement Elective Course). In post-graduation, some universities have included these specific subjects in the Open Courses and Optional Courses.

  • BA English HONOURS
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  • MA (Literature, Linguistics, Phonetics and Modern Grammar)
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Faculty Member
P Das

MA in English, Certified in the German Language, PGCTE (The English and Foreign Languages University)

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